Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Hunger Games.

Hey Peoplz!
So for those who don't know, me, Ema, and a couple other friends got to go see The Hunger Games in the theater. This is what I thought of it.
It was really good, but I have to confess, I didn't remember much of it the next morning. Mainly because we had to catch the 9:00 pm showing :-/ so the movie didn't end until quarter after 11-11:30ish. It was also rushed. Like they didn't have enough time so they needed to skip a part so they could finish the movie. But over all it was a really good movie, even if it was a bit graphic. Definitely not a movie for kids under than 10. Kids 10 and up can watch it, but only with adults watching it too, that's just my recommendation, you don't have to do what I recommend. I will post more about that night, but for now, I should go now,
                 Anne B.

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