Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Magyk, a summary.

So this post is my summary on Magyk, I wrote it as a book report for my dad one time and he wanted me to type it up, so here it is:

Magyk, by Angie Sage.

The book starts with Silas Heap, ordinary wizard on his way home from getting herbs for his newborn son Septimus from the Physik Woman, Galen. When he finds a new born baby girl. The then meets Marcia Overstrand, Extraordinary Wizard. She then tells him "Tell No one you found her, she was born to you, understand?" He takes the girl home and finds out that his new baby son, Septimus his 7th son had died. So Silas & his wife Sarah take in the baby girl and name her Jenna, after Silas' mother. 
Ten Years later, to the day. Marcia is awakened from her slumber by the ghost of the Ex-Extraordinary wizard, Alther Mella. He then tells her that a spy has found out where the princess, and heir to the throne has been hidden after her mother Queen Cyres was killed the day that she was born. She then goes to the home of Silas and Sarah Heap. She then tells Silas, Sarah and all the little Heaps (there are 7 of them by the way) that the baby now young girl Jenna was actually the Princess and that her real mother was the now dead Queen Cyres. 
She then takes Jenna with her to the wizard tower. A magnificent golden and very tall tower where Marcia lives and where she believes Jenna will be safe from the Assassin that was sent out to kill her. When they arrive they see that the sentry that was there just a little bit before was buried beneath the snow and almost dead. Marcia then dives into the snow and with the help of Jenna digs him out. They then take him with them into the Wizard tower. The floor of the wizard tower great hall is sort of a sand floor and the colors change so that they can make words (like the rest of the tower the floor is chock full with magyk so it can do that) They then go all the way up to the top of the wizard tower where Marcia's rooms are. There Silas, the youngest heap Niko and a wolfhound find them. They are there long enough to find out that the sentries name is 412 then the assassin arrives. They then make a dash down the rubbish chute. They end up in the Dump. There they meet Sally Mullin, a friend of Sarah's and she tells them to take her boat, Muriel to get away from the Hunter who was after Jenna and the rest of them. They head off to Silas' aunt Zelda's house in the marrshas where he believes they will be safe. They get there where when Marcia is teaching Niko, Jenna and boy 412 an invisibility spell she finds out that boy 412 has a natural and powerful gift for magyk. The next day she goes out and talks with Boy 412. She shows him a charm, one of the most rarest of all charms, a flyte charm. She lets him hold it then suddenly he is hovering in the air. He had made the flying charm work. The next day Dom Daniel, the one who had sent the assassin first after Queen Cyres and then after Jenna shows up in his boat. Niko, Jenna and Boy 412 go into an underground cavern and finds a golden boat that is shaped like a dragon. Then with Boy 412 guiding the dragon boat by use of his dragon ring (which he had found earlier). They go up and the make sure that Dom Daniel will never come back. Marcia then asks Boy 412 to be her apprentice, he accepts and they have an apprentice supper to celebrate Marcia's new apprentice. Marcia then asks Boy 412 that he can have anything he wants from her. He says that he would like to know who he really was. So Aunt Zelda uses some of her power and Boy 412 finds out that he is actually Septimus Heap the 7th son of a 7th son. One of the most magykal beings. 

Hope you liked it!!! Sorry if it doesn't have much in it :-/ I had to write it in 5 min. But there are 5 books after this and they are AWESOME!!!!! 

See ya!!!
               Anne B.

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