Sunday, January 15, 2012


WE GOT BEDS!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!
So just this last Friday me and Ema got our bed!!!! We had the mattresses, just no bed frames :( But now we do!!!!!! Here are the pics that mom took of our room\beds:

This is us making My bed, it is black as you can see D:
This is Ema trying to push in the little knobs on my bed,
They were meant to be put in and NOT taken out again!
This is all of us girls making Ema's bed,
She wanted a white bed, as you can see.

This is Ema's bed, All made!
Except for the covers.

This is Ema reclining on her New Bed!
This is My bed, I had wanted BLACK!

This is me on my own BLACK bed!

Hope you Peoplz liked it!!!!!!
                                             Anne B.

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