Sunday, January 15, 2012

THE STORY!!!!! Well, Our story :D

I told you that I would post about my story didn't i?? D:
Well here it is :D it is called "Our Story" By Shannon White, Heidi White and Anne Beckstrand.
Our Story.

Once upon a time. . . there were some bored friends. . . who thought they should do SOMETHING
with their lifes!! but.....they failed... It was VERY sad :'( they then decided to write a boring story!
In case if you didn't know, you're reading it... and the story just went on and on and on and drove
everyone who read it crazy including you...of course you already know that and in the story. . . ..
there were these 2 girls named: Anne B. and Shannon White who came up with a random story.
It was named: Pink Piggie Clouds. It was a beautiful story!!! soo they decided to right another one
that they talked about it in. but this time heidi decided to help them And really anyone who decided
to join... which was...well....nobody And then that "Heidi" gal started calling herself "nobody"!!! even
though we all know "nobody" is Mark White soooo being bored out of their minds!!!!!!!! they decided to
talk about W.A.S.F.M. (weird and slightly freaky monstors)...

and then they started talking about Mark White the P.F.N.P (purple flying ninja penguin) and his
sidekick Lliam Keppner the W.A.S.F.M (weird and slightly freaky monstor). . . . no offense to Mark
White and Lliam Keppner!!!!!! It wasn't like they disliked the P.F.N.P or his sidekick the W.A.S.F.M
that was just their if someone wanted to know something weird it would be their hobbies
and past times.. and so Mark White the P.F.N.P and his sidekick Lliam Keppner the W.A.S.F.M
decided to create a comic book that was titled: "The story of how we became SUPER HEROS!!!! and
our LIFE story!!!"

All of it seemed like a great idea but...well....we're talking about the P.F.N.P and the W.A.S.F.M and
although they thought the comic book very thrilling that"s not exactly what everyone else thought
(snoring in the back ground) of course, the P.F.N.P and the W.A.S.F.M. didn't want to be in our
story!!!!! idk, they might have tooken offence by the way we said their names...but we didn't care,
and just kept talking about them. :(:) until the S.A.E.S.G. (strange,and EXTREMELY special guy)
joined...that was SCARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the S.A.E.S.G was the P.F.N.P s dog (the W.A.S.F.M
s brother) but the only time the S.A.E.S.G. was mentioned was when the P.F.N.P. had to take him
on a walk/fly in their life story book. But saying how, the S.A.E.S.G. was a dog and the W.A.S.F.M.
was a monster and his brother, that would make W.A.S.F.M. a dog/monstor and leave the P.F.N.P.
with a dog/monstor sidekick!!!! unless the S.A.E.S.G. was adopted...and THAT would solve

either that or since the P.F.N.P was the brother of a monster he could just be a different kind of
monster or dog than the W.A.S.F.M then they decided to stop being super heros and go back to
their unexciting and boring lifes with plain names like mark and lliam. and when we say boring, we
mean BORING! so to cut THEIR story short they both were unable to find their true loves so because
they were unable to do that they decided to find their worst enemies and had them kill the both of
them. The End. the authors were ecstatic!!!! They were able to sell so many copies that they made
MILLIONS!!!! But then their fortune was lost by the W.A.S.F.M.s W.A.S.F.T. (weird and slightly freaky

Whose name was Seth and he had a sister, who was the A.B.G.P (amazingly bright and good
person) who's name was Kendra she was like the SMARTEST person in the world!!! but...she
couldn't go with them to the mountin. =/ they had to learn to be smart themselves!!!! (that was most
of the reason it was SOOO tough!) and another thing...the bunnies were... irresistibly cute!!!!! they
were WAY to cute to hurt!!!! all pink and cuddely. Not to mention, they could fit in your palm!!!!!! It was
very difficult to tell that these the K.I.D. s (killers in disguise) :O All the K.I.D were experts at doing
a puppy face and had such cute big eyes, you'd have to have no heart to even slightly offend or hurt
them. And saying how they didn't even know they were the K.I.D. s they carried a couple along with
them for the whole trip!!!

but...don't judge them remember they weren't very bright and they didn't read the sign in big bold
letters WARNING these bunnies are cute but very mean and viscous do not use them as souvenirs

for your own good!!! but it was too late..... the bunnies evil eyes had already hypnotized them!!!!! and
they started copying everything the bunnies did even.......all the crazy dance moves the bunnies
did :O

Now all hope was lost unless..... someone could find the P.T.A.T.D.(person too amazing too
die a.k.a. Rebecca Polakowski) and bring her to the terrifying mountain were she, and ONLY
she could... take down the bunnies, save the fortune and rescue Kendra but kendra had
already. . . . . . left to help them the problem was she didn't know where the mountain was and
got lost but then..... she used her A.A.B.P. (amazingly awesome brain power!!) and found "the
mountain"!!! the problem was...she didn't need to find "the mountain" she needed to find "Mount
watchamacallit"!!!!!! another problem, she still thought "the mountain" was the right place... :O

but "the mountain" wasn't "Mount watchamacallit" it was "Mount thingamigig" (thing-a-mi-gig)
and just by reading the names you can tell how different they are D: yes, mount watchamacallit
was. . . . . . . . . in the shape of. . . .. . . . a. . . .. (ummm) TRIANGLE!!!!! then mount thingamigig was
just a square made out of rock it just had the appearance (not really..) of a mountain, that's why
everyone called it one. was...a....(uhhhhhh) PIRATE CAVE!!!!!!! and that's where
Kendra was going!!!!! (dun, dun dun!!!!! :O) and when Rebecca Polakowski was Finally able to find
her, all she found. . .. . . . . was. . . . . . Kendra, and the missing FORTUNE!!!!!!!! the W.A.S.F.T. (
Jonathan Jonson ) was his bird the N.E.R.D (Nice Energetic Random Dork
i.e. Maark White ) and didn't notice Rebecca Polakowski sneak in O.o

of course...she didn't notice him either...but Rebecca Polakowski accidentally pushed the S.D (self
Destruct) button so, even though she was able to make it out of the cave with Kendra And the money,
she destroyed the mountain and the W.A.S.F.T. and his bird the G.E.E.K. were able to get away
and he took the most important thing of the fortune . . .the golden P.P.C (pink piggie cloud) :O yes,
the P.P.C. it had enough power to destroy the WHOLE world! and in the hands of a villain, it was the
most dangerous thing in the WORLD!
dun dun dun (sorry our dun dun dunner is currently on break so the effects aren't so great)  now
Kendra knew why her A.A.B.P. led her to the wrong place!! she HAD to stop the W.A.S.F.T !!
and QUICK!!!! ssssoooo she decided to try to gain his trust so that he would give her the
golden P.P.C but, that would take WAY to long!!! sooooooooo she kidnapped theN.E.R.D and made
a disguise as him...(creepy huh?)

So diguised as the N.E.R.D. she was able to steal the golden P.P.C. but. . . right as she was
leaving, he took it and said he was gonna hide it for he feared A.A.B.P. was near... but then
the A.D.U.L.T. (amazingly daft uni-cycling lunatic of a teen) showed up and he took it and went
to give it W.A.S.F.T. so that he could destroy the WHOLE EARTH!!!! and, just as he was about
to....the N.E.R.D realized this was WRONG!!!!!! he could NOT let his owner pull thru with this!!!! not if
he could prvent it!!!! sooooo he swoped in and DESTROYED the P.P.C !!!!!

it made such a big bomb it destroyed the cave too!!!! the W.A.S.F.T. was able to escape, but
the N.E.R.D. ... with the shock of the explosion was thrown all the way back to a shark pool,
he almost fell in until Kendra was able to pull him from the edge with her A.A.B.P....if you've
seen "star wars" you'd know that some people call it "the force"...I guess it all depends on the
planet you live in... so kendra ran and took brought the N.E.R.D to the hospital but so kendra
ran and took brought the N.E.R.D to the hospital but  he was determined to destroy kendra and

the N.E.R.D once and for all Kendra was frightened!!!!!! Her A.A.B.P. just wasn't working fast!!!

then, suddenly the P.T.A.T.D jumped out of the blue (or in this case the building) and
blasted  the W.A.S.F.T so that he was injured and kendra had enough time to get
the N.E.R.D. to the hospital and he was able to get better their next mission was completed!!!!!
(or so they thought) the person they thought was the W.A.S.F.T. was in disguise!!!
the real W.A.S.F.T. would have done WAY better and they could've NEVER gotten rid of the
P.P.C.!!! it was really the evilest, fluffiest, most cuddly, smartest, cutest K.I.D. ever born!!!!! :O
when the P.T.A.T.D. saw the little pink fur ball she could NOT get over how cute it was!!! soooo
she decided to be nice and let it run off and play. 

But The K.I.D a.k.a the W.A.S.F.T wasn't so nice....and decided to  blow up the hospital!!!!!!
:O or so they's what happened: He had a stick of dynamite. Which as you
know can do a lot of damage. He then jumped on top of the building.....and started.....singing
into his stick of dynamite which we then realized was a MICROPHONE. and he started
singing. . . . . . Dynamite by Taio Cruz  but then, it turned into a grenade sooooo  he started
singing Grenade by Bruno Mars, But then he realized that whatever song he started singing the
thing would change into so he started singing Love Story by Taylor Swift and then he had in

his hand a love story ssssssssssssssssssssssssssooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo   he looked
at the book and thought he should be more loving. he did have some dynamite but decided not
to use it! he went to throw it in the air but his (fragile) microphone fell, making a small fire,

lighting the dynamite and BLOWING UP THE HOSPITAL!!!  but the N.E.R.D. was able to get

Kendra had been able to get him out of the hospital before it blew up! But the K.I.D. aka
the W.A.S.F.T. saw them go and went after them in hot pursuit.. . . .. .  the N.E.R.D. and
Kendra were headed to a rocket ship in hope that they could take off before the K.I.D. and
the W.A.S.F.T got there. but.... The W.A.S.F.T Had been able to get there before they did so
he put a bomb in the rocket sssssssssssssssooooooooooooooooo  right once they got inside, the
bomb EXPLODED!!!

What the W.A.S.F.T.forgot though was that he put it in the lower part of the rocket... so all it
did was let the rocket off!!!! Ö the N.E.R.D. and Kendra never even knew there was a bomb and
NEVER found out how the rocket took off... and the rocket went all the way up to the moon and
then back to earth and landed at hawaii what a wonderful excuse to have a vacation but Kendra
and the N.E.R.D had no time for that because...  the W.A.S.F.T. had followed them there and he
was ready to kill kendra and the N.E.R.D. right when they got there 

But, Anne and Shannon had been following them and so they were able to get their fortune
back, excluding the golden P.P.C. of course, they were able to kill the W.A.S.F.T but before
they were able to kill him  he killed them!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ö so, that being over wi- wait a minute!!!! they

didn't die!!! that's moon ppl junk!!!! (when they went to the moon they told EVERYONE about
EVERYTHING) so all those ppl'z said "stay here!!!! :( FINE!!!!! go on and die!!!! :P" BUT...this is
what REALLY happened:  .....(drum roll please)...... the moon people were wrong because they
jump to conclusions and also Kendra and the N.E.R.D are practically invincible as you might know
seeing how they always escape in the just in time 

STORY OVERVIEW: Kendra and the N.E.R.D. are running along when they saw the W.A.S.F.T. or
in other words the K.I.D. that looked ExAcTlY like the W.A.S.F.T.chasing them with a blaster
in his hand!!!! Ö He was gaining rapidly and when he FINNALLY caught up to them......he
stopped...everyone was SO confused!!!!! He then started to walk in the other direction. where he was
really going was a lake. Everyone needs a vacation sometimes, right? so, why not him? after that
the...N.E.R.D. ran towards him and……just jumped in as well! :(:) by the way, he said to tell you the
water was VERY refreshing!!!!! D:


WE GOT BEDS!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!
So just this last Friday me and Ema got our bed!!!! We had the mattresses, just no bed frames :( But now we do!!!!!! Here are the pics that mom took of our room\beds:

This is us making My bed, it is black as you can see D:
This is Ema trying to push in the little knobs on my bed,
They were meant to be put in and NOT taken out again!
This is all of us girls making Ema's bed,
She wanted a white bed, as you can see.

This is Ema's bed, All made!
Except for the covers.

This is Ema reclining on her New Bed!
This is My bed, I had wanted BLACK!

This is me on my own BLACK bed!

Hope you Peoplz liked it!!!!!!
                                             Anne B.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A Story. . . . . .

Ni Hao* Peoplz!!!!!!
So this story is a story that me and 2 other friends named Heidi and Shannon are coming up\came up with. It is still not done, so at the end of every week I am going to post another part of our story, ok? so  look forward to the end of Every week. I will post the first part of the story within the next day or 2, ok?
Oh, and We haven't been able to come up with a name yet, so I will post it one of these days, well as soon as we come up with a name, ok???

Ziajian** Peoplz!!!!!
Anne B.
*Ni hao is chinese for hello.
** Zia Jian is Chinese for goodbye.

Magyk, a summary.

So this post is my summary on Magyk, I wrote it as a book report for my dad one time and he wanted me to type it up, so here it is:

Magyk, by Angie Sage.

The book starts with Silas Heap, ordinary wizard on his way home from getting herbs for his newborn son Septimus from the Physik Woman, Galen. When he finds a new born baby girl. The then meets Marcia Overstrand, Extraordinary Wizard. She then tells him "Tell No one you found her, she was born to you, understand?" He takes the girl home and finds out that his new baby son, Septimus his 7th son had died. So Silas & his wife Sarah take in the baby girl and name her Jenna, after Silas' mother. 
Ten Years later, to the day. Marcia is awakened from her slumber by the ghost of the Ex-Extraordinary wizard, Alther Mella. He then tells her that a spy has found out where the princess, and heir to the throne has been hidden after her mother Queen Cyres was killed the day that she was born. She then goes to the home of Silas and Sarah Heap. She then tells Silas, Sarah and all the little Heaps (there are 7 of them by the way) that the baby now young girl Jenna was actually the Princess and that her real mother was the now dead Queen Cyres. 
She then takes Jenna with her to the wizard tower. A magnificent golden and very tall tower where Marcia lives and where she believes Jenna will be safe from the Assassin that was sent out to kill her. When they arrive they see that the sentry that was there just a little bit before was buried beneath the snow and almost dead. Marcia then dives into the snow and with the help of Jenna digs him out. They then take him with them into the Wizard tower. The floor of the wizard tower great hall is sort of a sand floor and the colors change so that they can make words (like the rest of the tower the floor is chock full with magyk so it can do that) They then go all the way up to the top of the wizard tower where Marcia's rooms are. There Silas, the youngest heap Niko and a wolfhound find them. They are there long enough to find out that the sentries name is 412 then the assassin arrives. They then make a dash down the rubbish chute. They end up in the Dump. There they meet Sally Mullin, a friend of Sarah's and she tells them to take her boat, Muriel to get away from the Hunter who was after Jenna and the rest of them. They head off to Silas' aunt Zelda's house in the marrshas where he believes they will be safe. They get there where when Marcia is teaching Niko, Jenna and boy 412 an invisibility spell she finds out that boy 412 has a natural and powerful gift for magyk. The next day she goes out and talks with Boy 412. She shows him a charm, one of the most rarest of all charms, a flyte charm. She lets him hold it then suddenly he is hovering in the air. He had made the flying charm work. The next day Dom Daniel, the one who had sent the assassin first after Queen Cyres and then after Jenna shows up in his boat. Niko, Jenna and Boy 412 go into an underground cavern and finds a golden boat that is shaped like a dragon. Then with Boy 412 guiding the dragon boat by use of his dragon ring (which he had found earlier). They go up and the make sure that Dom Daniel will never come back. Marcia then asks Boy 412 to be her apprentice, he accepts and they have an apprentice supper to celebrate Marcia's new apprentice. Marcia then asks Boy 412 that he can have anything he wants from her. He says that he would like to know who he really was. So Aunt Zelda uses some of her power and Boy 412 finds out that he is actually Septimus Heap the 7th son of a 7th son. One of the most magykal beings. 

Hope you liked it!!! Sorry if it doesn't have much in it :-/ I had to write it in 5 min. But there are 5 books after this and they are AWESOME!!!!! 

See ya!!!
               Anne B.