Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween :D

 Happy Halloween as the title says :D
Now this is a post of what we in Shanghai China did for Halloween. We had a branch Primary-Nursery costume party. Where YW (like myself :D) were welcome Only for helping (and enjoying the food :D) The activity was held on Friday a couple of Days before halloween, not exactly On halloween. Now here are the pics that were took with our camera before, during, and after the party:
This is Me in my costume. The piece of Paper says: Don't Ask!!! I am a Girly Warrior :D

This is the Front of Ema's Costume, She is a Pink Paintbrush.

And this is the Back of Ema's Costume, And if you want to know what that little piece of paper says, well have fun persuading Ema to tell you. :D
This is Nathan's Costume, He is an Archer.

This is Beca's Costume, she is a Pioneer.
This is Mathew's costume, He is a train engineer.

This is Merisa's Costume, she is a Ballerina.

That is all of the pics that I can post in the order that I would like to so I will do another post that will have the pics from the party and after that on it ok????

                   Yours Truly,
                                      Anne B :D

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