Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween Pics.

See I told you that I would post the rest of the pics :D

This is Beca getting her face painted by a YW

This is Merisa and Ema at the "Bat Craft" station. Decorating bats :D

This is Mathew and Nathan at the "Cake Walk" station :)

That is me in the center of the pic with Ema in the top left corner with my friend Sophie dressed up as the zebra in bottom right corner.
This is Nathan, about to be wrapped up like a mummy :D

This is all of us on Halloween night with our candy necklaces on :D We have had those for a year then they were eaten up in less then an hour :D
Well that is the end of the pics :D Hope you liked them :D

                                                Yours Truly,
                                                                     Anne B :D

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