Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Cuteness: Dogs :D

This post is all about dogs :D
We got a NEW dog!!!!!
His name is Mao Mao (means hairy in Chinese :D) He is 2 years 9 months. He is a Golden Retriever and SUPER cute!! We have had him for about 3 days now :D He is NOT a chewer and he is house trained. He is an enemy to basically all of the dogs in our complex, we don't know what it is that makes them so mad at him, even though some of the dogs that are mean to Mao Mao are actually pretty nice (cute :D) Here are some pictures that we took of the dogs and also of Mao Mao:

We'll start with pics of Mao Mao: (we seriously took Too many pictures of him!:D)

This is Mao Mao and Ema.
Our stone floor feels good to Mao Mao with all of his fur.

I really don't know how to explain this pic :D

Mao Mao is too cute, right??

This is a close-up of Mao Mao's face, he has a sort of mask on his face

                                         And now we do the pics of the other dogs:

One of the dogs had puppies a while back  and this is one of them.
This is one of the pups :D they are SO cute!

This is the friendliest dog, we can't tell if it's a girl or a boy. :D

This is the mom (in the bottom corner) her pup is on the other side of the fence who I think is trying to get out

Hope you liked all the pics of the dogs :D
                                                                  Yours Truly,
                                                                                      Anne B.

Friday, November 4, 2011


Eggs, that's all I'm going to say about it. 
This was a science experiment, so prepare to be amazed! And please watch the top one THEN the bottom one, you will be less confused than if you had watched bottom-top. So please watch top-bottom.
Those eggs were first soaked in vinegar for 24 hours then they were soaked in water for 24 hours, just so you know :D And girls, if you wanted to do a Mean prank, use water balloons and eggs. But for peoples sake Please do NOT do a prank like that :D
Hope you liked it :D
Yours Truly,
           Anne B.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Forgive me!!!!!!

Please forgive me for the last Halloween Posts, the one that has the pics of the costumes, I know that you have to crane your neck to see them, so I am SO sorry about that, I will do another post with the pics standing up the right way :D
                            Yours Truly,
                                               Anne B.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween Pics.

See I told you that I would post the rest of the pics :D

This is Beca getting her face painted by a YW

This is Merisa and Ema at the "Bat Craft" station. Decorating bats :D

This is Mathew and Nathan at the "Cake Walk" station :)

That is me in the center of the pic with Ema in the top left corner with my friend Sophie dressed up as the zebra in bottom right corner.
This is Nathan, about to be wrapped up like a mummy :D

This is all of us on Halloween night with our candy necklaces on :D We have had those for a year then they were eaten up in less then an hour :D
Well that is the end of the pics :D Hope you liked them :D

                                                Yours Truly,
                                                                     Anne B :D

Happy Halloween :D

 Happy Halloween as the title says :D
Now this is a post of what we in Shanghai China did for Halloween. We had a branch Primary-Nursery costume party. Where YW (like myself :D) were welcome Only for helping (and enjoying the food :D) The activity was held on Friday a couple of Days before halloween, not exactly On halloween. Now here are the pics that were took with our camera before, during, and after the party:
This is Me in my costume. The piece of Paper says: Don't Ask!!! I am a Girly Warrior :D

This is the Front of Ema's Costume, She is a Pink Paintbrush.

And this is the Back of Ema's Costume, And if you want to know what that little piece of paper says, well have fun persuading Ema to tell you. :D
This is Nathan's Costume, He is an Archer.

This is Beca's Costume, she is a Pioneer.
This is Mathew's costume, He is a train engineer.

This is Merisa's Costume, she is a Ballerina.

That is all of the pics that I can post in the order that I would like to so I will do another post that will have the pics from the party and after that on it ok????

                   Yours Truly,
                                      Anne B :D