Monday, November 5, 2012


Hey Everyone!!!
I hope that there are still people following my blog, even though I haven't posted anything in a long time :D
Here are some updates on the crazy road that i'm going on, also called life :P

I started Meadow Valley Middle School Full Time,
I met lots of awesome people,
I moved BACK to the states,
I attended my first MVMS Pride Trip* and had a BLAST!!
I learned a ton of stuff!

That's basically it :P
* For everyone who doesn't live in Lincoln County, the Pride Trip is a kind of field trip that they have at the end of each quarter and everyone who has enough Pride Points and wants to can go. We went to Laser Mania over in Saint George for this one, next we're going skiing (i don't know where, will have to ask a friend about that)

I have a thing that I (hope) will be able to do, my english teacher gives us these AMAZING quotes in english that we have to write a one page narrative on them. I will be posting the quotes on here once a week and explaining them, well giving you my explanation of them more like :)
And I changed the title of my blog, seeing as the old wasn't suitable for where I am now. So the new blog title is:
My Adventures.
that way it spans all of my crazy things :D

Love ya!
             Anne B.

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