Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Hey Peoplz!!!
Sooo Today I decided to post a blog on what has been going on in my life since I left the states for the first time. There is a TON of stuff that has happened since we left and I am not kidding.

This last October I was able to go to girls camp, again. :D
Sometime December I made my own pj pants.
I met tons of people, from all over the world.
I am now the 2nd counselor in the Beehives class presidency.
I rode on the subway, for the first time with my family and without,
I discovered the wonders of
Me, Ema, Mom, and Dad got new glasses
(more about that in the next post!)
Mosquitoes have officially become ANNOYING!!!

Well, that is all that I can think of for now.
                 Anne B.