Sunday, February 26, 2012

A girls Life by Megan and Liz

So Peoplz
This is my 2nd song post withing 2 days, and I think that it is a record for me personally. Just beware a song post at random moments. So the song for this post is A Girls life by Megan and Liz. They are AWESOME singers!! But here is the link to their video:
A Girl's life by 
Megan and Liz.
No girls don't just wanna have fun
We take it fast, take it slow
we can come undone
We're so much more then a magazine
Can't you see?
It's a fight with society
I've been living in a movie, so make believe
Tired of this script I was losing me
I'm rewriting happy endings, I'll realize
I take the pen, I control the lines
Turn it up make it louder
Jammin' out alone
I love this song
Bout a boy who's proven wrong
I don't have many secrets
What I say best believe it
Oh it feels so right 
Living a Girl's life
Watching movies, no makeup on
You arrive, can't decide if I've got the time
I'm at the scene where Edward is gone
Oh Bella, you better, better stay strong
Turn it up make it louder
Jammin' out alone
I love this song
Bout a boy who's proven wrong
I don't have many secrets
What I say best believe it
Oh it feels so right 
Living a Girl's life
This is a song,
for every girl who's ever felt
the weight of the world
I've been there too
She's been there too
We've been there too
So just
Turn it up
make it louder
jammin' out alone
I love this song Yeah

Turn it up make it louder
Jammin' out alone
I love this song
Bout a boy who's proven wrong
I don't have many secrets
What I say best believe it
Oh it feels so right
Living a Girl's life

I chose this song because NO a girl's life isn't just a magazine cover! I actually don't read magazines that often maybe because I can't get to them that often. I Really like reading. I don't really stuff myself up with make-up and that sort of girly stuff. . ick.
Hope you like the song and if you do subscribe to Megan and Liz on Youtube!!!
See ya!!!
              Anne B.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


Hola peoplz
So this post is about our family (from dad and mom to merisa) dinner.
We had an actual family dinner. We had an oven cooked meal and everyone was there and we did Not have to rush. It was Wonderful!!!!!
We were all waiting to dig in.
I (anne) was taking the picture.

3 Very contended people.
Dinner was Very good.
I will post the recipe later, mutual starts soon!!!
See Ya!!!!
                 Anne B.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Change By Carrie Underwood.

Hola peoplz
Here is a song that I ReAlLy like.


Change By Carrie Underwood.

Whatcha gonna do with the 36 cents
Sticky with Coke on your floorboard
When a woman on the street is huddled in the cold
On a sidewalk vent trying to keep warm

Do you call her over, hand her the change
Ask her story, ask her her name
Or do you tell yourself

You're just a fool
Just a fool to believe you can change the world
You're just a fool
Just a fool to believe you can change the world

Oh, whatcha gonna do when you're watching TV
And an ad comes on, yeah you know the kind
Flashing up pictures of a child in need
For a dime a day you could save a life

Do you call the number, reach out a hand
Or do you change the channel, call it a scam
Or do you tell yourself

You're just a fool
Just a fool to believe you can change the world
Don't listen to 'em when they say
You're just a fool
Just a fool to believe you can change the world

Oh, the smallest thing can make all the difference
Love is alive, don't listen to 'em when they say
You're just a fool
Just a fool to believe you can change the world

The world's so big it can break your heart
And you just want to help not sure where to start
So you close your eyes, and send up a prayer into the dark

You're just a fool
Just a fool to believe you can change the world
Don't listen to 'em when they say
You're just a fool
Just a fool to believe you can change the world

Oh, the smallest thing can make all the difference
Love is alive, don't you listen to 'em when they say
You're just a fool
Just a fool to believe you can change the world

Hope you liked it. Don't not do something that you're going to regret not doing later, things that you wish you had done when you had the chance. Those little things can change the world. Just doing a simple act of kindness can change the outcome for many people later on.

Hopefully I will post a song that I like about every week, maybe twice a week, just depends on when I am up to it.
See you!!!
                   Anne B.

Monday, February 13, 2012

A story.

Hola peoplz
Here is a story that I have been writing. It is called Menosa's story.
Here is the first couple of parts. I have only written a couple chapters (more like 2 :D) so if you like it, please be patient during the waits for the next posts.

Menosa’s story.
There is one girl wanted above all others. She is the last person alive who is a fairy along with an angel. She is wanted by all of mythological kind because if you are a fairy, you have to marry a fairy and that rule affects all of the other mythological kinds. Her mother and her father are the only people who have ever broken that rule since it had come into force after one of the most dangerous people was born. A person who was part demon, part fairy and part angel. That was almost a thousand years ago. My name is Menosa (men-osa). My mother was the daughter of the fairy queen and king. My father is the son of the leader of the rebel angels. I am the most wanted kid in the entire universe. I am only 13 years old.

Chapter 1. The beginning.

Let’s go back a thousand years ago January 1st 899 that was the day that the most dangerous person was born. Ralla (r-All-a) the daughter of a part fairy part demon and an angel. When she was born nobody thought that she would be the one to very nearly tear our entire universe apart. She grew up as a bright young lady with tons of potential for very great things until she turned 13. When kids who have magical blood in them, turn 13 they gain their power. No one knows what kind of power a child will get. In a set of twins, one twin may have the power over nature and while the other twin has power over beauty. No one can tell what kind of power each child will get. When Ralla turned 13 she got her power. It was the loveliness to turn people into her servants. Then the plague came. The plague would strike one of the most beautiful and good people then it would start to deteriorate their goodness turning them ever so more evil until the evil consumed their goodness and then they would die. The plague was so bad that anyone who was on the verge of a cure would die. The plague struck Ralla and instead of killing her like other it turned her evil. Now the only way that any mythological persons stay alive is by a spark of will in their chest. And if that spark goes out, then they die. The plague was essentially bad because it battled that spark. And in most cases it killed anyone who was affected with it, except for Ralla. The plague turned her evil instead of killing her. The plague made her hate the way that she had been born. She decided to take revenge out on her parents. Then after she had killed her own family she decided that killing her family wasn’t enough. She knew that she had to take revenge out on the whole universe. She started up a rebellion to destroy all good. She almost got away with it. She had almost destroyed the fairies and angels when the Queen of the fairies, Queen Menosa fought her hand to hand and it almost destroyed them both. Then Queen Menosa drew on her spark, and turned it into a staff that with it she wounded Ralla badly enough that Ralla retreated to the outer edge of the universe. Ralla has not been heard from since. With the spark staff a cure was found with just a touch from the staff the person was healed. Unfortunately the staff drew on Queen Menosa’s energy so she turned herself into the staff. From then on whoever was queen of the fairies had the duty of protecting the staff in case the plague should ever return.

Hope you all liked it :)
Anne B. SapphireCat80.

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Hola Peoplz!!!!
So This post is all about TUMBLR!!!!!
Tumblr is a version of Google pics, except you can reblog, like and other things on it. Here is a link to the main page:
I am Anubisfan13 so here is the link:
And if you want Ema's then please email her!!! Or you can find her on mine I am following her and vice versa.
ssssssooooooo if anyone has one, send me an email asap!!!!!!
Tumblr is common in Shanghai because you don't need a VPN to access it!!!! And by the way, I have NO idea what that means. But certain things like blogger and facebook and netflix aren't allowed in china, so we use a VPN to get those :)

See ya!!!!!
Anne B.


Hola Peoplz D:
So I don't usually do this but, today I am making an exception.
From  now on I will be posting one of my favorite songs and the link to the youtube video on here, (sorry if I'm copying your idea ema) To start it off I am doing:

Temporary Home by Carrie Underwood.

Little boy, 6 years old
A little too used to bein' alone
Another new mom and dad, another school
Another house that'll never be home
When people ask him how he likes this place
He looks up and says with a smile upon his face

"This is my temporary home
It's not where I belong
Windows and rooms that I'm passin' through
This is just a stop, on the way to where I'm going
I'm not afraid because I know this is my
Temporary Home."

Young mom on her own
She needs a little help got nowhere to go
She's lookin' for a job, lookin' for a way out
'Cause a half-way house will never be a home
At night she whispers to her baby girl
Someday we'll find a place here in this world

"This is our temporary home
It's not where we belong
Windows and rooms that we're passin' through
This is just a stop, on the way to where we're going
I'm not afraid because I know this is our
Temporary Home."

Old man, hospital bed
The room is filled with people he loves
And he whispers don't cry for me
I'll see you all someday
He looks up and says "I can see God's face."

"This is my temporary Home
It's not where I belong
Windows and rooms that I'm passin' through
This was just a stop, on the way to where I'm going
I'm not afraid because I know this was
My temporary home."

This is our temporary home

I chose that song because when you really Truly listen to it, it has SO much meaning. I get tears because where we are, is just a temporary home. There is something that lies beyond this that is going to better. So PLEASE take time to listen to the song and actually listen to the words, like I did.

Anne B.