Thursday, October 20, 2011

Chicken Noodle Salad

Now, some people might look at the title and have an image of noodles, lettuce, and chicken in their mind. (maybe not, but that is what some people might think :D) But look at the recipe and you will see that it does NOT have ANY lettuce in it that might make it a regular salad, or else, I wouldn't be posting this on MY blog! I am one of the people who dislike lettuce (shudders) so sorry green-salad-likers I don't. Well anyway it is made up of Noodles, Chicken and a sauce with spices and seasonings in it. Now we weren't able to add any chicken, so it was just noodle salad, we didn't have any chicken just then. So here it is:

Chicken Noodle Salad.

1 lb skinny noodles, (it can be whatever kind of noodles that you want :D)
6 Tbs rice vinegar,
2 Tbs chili sauce (or chili powder whatever you have)
1/4cup oil,
5 Tbs soy sauce (now if you have gotten soy sauce from China, do about 3tbs of it)
2 Tbs sesame seed oil,
2 cups cooked diced chicken,
some basil. (as much as you want or need :D)

Cook noodles as directed. Mix with above and mix in the basil so that it is all over the noodles. Serve warm or cold. and here are some pics that we took of it:

Guess what this is?? :D here's a hint, it's not wine. post in a comment with what you think it is :D

Here's another guessing game :D guess what this is and the one above, and you Can't cheat by using Google Translate, it must simply be a guess :D And it isn't wine.

These are the noodles in a bowl, they were Very good, but  a little salty.

Ema Had to take a picture of Someone eating it, and it Had to be me :D Please just ignore Nathan in the background :D (I am thinking *Hurry up!!! it is HOT!!* :D)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Chinese Crepes

Now, I know what you people must think, Chinese Crepes? There isn't such thing! But there is, This morning we were able to make a French dish, in China. And I was able to make them. I was taught (By Arizona's Chef Tess) that ANYONE can make crepes. They are one of the simplest dishes that the French could EVER make!!!  Well, maybe not, but they are for me :D When we were taught how to make crepes, there was a line of kids (yes I said KIDS) at the stove waiting to make their own crepe, all they had to do was put the batter on the pan, then watch the magic happen :D It was cool. They got to cook their own crepe :D Crepes are SO good!!! And SO simple!! Well, here is the Awesome recipe, That was given to us by the one and only Chef Tess (as she is known on TV) It is her recipe. Thank You Miss Stephanie :D

Basic Crepes. By Chef Tess :D

4 eggs,
1 cup water,
2 tsp vanilla,

1c flour,

1/3c powdered milk (if you don't have any then just substitute with regular milk, and no water)
1/2tsp salt.

In a container mix the flour, powdered milk and salt together. And in a separate container, combine the wet ingredients very well. Add the wet to the dry until all the lumps are gone(if you can't get all of lumps out at the last second then that is all right:D) The batter should be just thick enough to coat the back of a spoon. Use a very small amount of oil in a non-stick skillet, and on Medium-low heat. Though, you should start with it on about medium, so that the pan can get hot enough to cook the crepes. Then as soon as the pan is hot is enough then turn it down to medium low. Then put about 1/4-1/2cup of batter, it depends on how big of a pan you have and most importantly how big you want the crepes. Cook 2-3 minutes on one side then gently turn over, once you have flipped the crepe, it probably only takes about 60 seconds before it is done. and here are the pictures that I took of our crepes this morning:
This is my dad, cooking crepes.

This is the table before we sit down to eat.
And this is the "Aftermath" of a successful  crepe breakfast
this is the crepe in the pan, look at all the goodness:)

this is what the batter should look like.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Homemade Maple Syrup.

All right Peoples, I will sometimes be posting Recipes, so that you can do yourself :) This one is Homemade Syrup, and it is REALLY good!!! Here is the recipe:

Homemade Maple Syrup.
1cup Water,
1cup White Sugar,
1cup Brown Sugar,
as much maple extract as you need(or want :D)

Then you just let the sugars and water come to a simmer then you add the maple extract, or whatever extract you want, My family just likes some good Maple syrup :D Then you either let it cool to a thick syrup or use it hot.

This is our Syrup in it's bottle

And here it is in the pot.
So there you have it, nice Maple Syrup :) and it doesn't cost as much as regular Maple Syrup :D